Flexible packaging is worth billions of dollars and it continues to grow at an alarming rate. The reason flexible packaging is seen as an important factor is it is used in virtually in every possible industry out there. The pharmaceutical, beverage, textile and more industries are all reliant on packaging their offerings. The flexible packaging works as they are not rigid and are malleable allowing them to house any material within it. This allows better shelf space utilization with studies showing a 20% decrease in storage space taken up and ensures that all types of products can be stored and safely delivered to their respective destinations. This then translates into the saving of transportation costs as they take up less space and can be easily stored to be shipped off. Several different materials can be used to make packaging materials that include plastic, aluminum, and foil. They can also be shaped in many different forms which make it a very versatile technique- pouches; sachets, wraps, and bags are all products of flexible packaging. Their added advantage is that of customization as well, as it allows companies to customize their products to any shape and size according to the will of their consumers which differentiates them from their competitors.

In the world of flexible packaging, the idea of digital printing interlays as the consumers are no longer in want of identical packaging and they require differentiation in the market. They want their packing to be unique and eye-catching, the packaging being a factor which can be solely responsible for the purchase of a product. This need by consumers has been fueled by eCommerce and social media as they showcase all the possible options out there in the market. This has resulted in the shortening of the product lifecycles as preferences change faster and products along with their packaging go out of style. The need for quick delivery, traveling longer distances and different products all required packaging that could cater to their needs. The digital printing allowed a quicker production of the packing material with graphics that eye-catching to allow for the logistics and attraction elements to not go out of style. Digital printing can be used to print on any surface that goes hand in hand with that of off shaped packages i.e. which deviate from the traditional box-shaped packaging.  The key effect that digital printing has on the world of flexible packaging is the ability to print directly on a plastic surface. Therefore, there is an instant elimination of labels, which translates into the elimination of costs and saves time for the manufacturer as well. Automatically there is less waste, the ability to meet shorter production times and allows greater flexibility in terms of the design of the packaging. Digital printing and flexible packaging have now allowed the use of rapid clip that allows quick folding and unfolding of the packet-making it both easily accessible and easy to manufacture. Both digital printing and flexible packaging are two techniques that work closely together to form the best possible union for production.

So what is holding you back?

Rubeeflexpackaging is a premiere in digital printing services. Choose your design and start custom digital printing today!