Flexible packaging is worth billions of dollars and it continues to grow at an alarming rate. The reason flexible packaging is seen as an important factor is it is used in virtually in every possible industry out there. The pharmaceutical, beverage, textile and more industries are all reliant on packaging their offerings. The flexible packaging works as they are not rigid and are malleable allowing them to house any material within it. This allows better shelf space utilization with studies showing a 20% decrease in storage space taken up and ensures that all types of products can be stored and safely delivered to their respective destinations. This then translates into the saving of transportation costs as they take up less space and can be easily stored to be shipped off. Several different materials can be used to make packaging materials that include plastic, aluminum, and foil. They can also be shaped in many different forms which make it a very versatile technique- pouches; sachets, wraps, and bags are all products of flexible packaging. Their added advantage is that of customization as well, as it allows companies to customize their products to any shape and size according to the will of their consumers which differentiates them from their competitors.
In the world of flexible packaging, the idea of digital printing interlays as the consumers are no longer in want of identical packaging and they require differentiation in the market. They want their packing to be unique and eye-catching, the packaging being a factor which can be solely responsible for the purchase of a product. This need by consumers has been fueled by eCommerce and social media as they showcase all the possible options out there in the market. This has resulted in the shortening of the product lifecycles as preferences change faster and products along with their packaging go out of style. The need for quick delivery, traveling longer distances and different products all required packaging that could cater to their needs. The digital printing allowed a quicker production of the packing material with graphics that eye-catching to allow for the logistics and attraction elements to not go out of style. Digital printing can be used to print on any surface that goes hand in hand with that of off shaped packages i.e. which deviate from the traditional box-shaped packaging. The key effect that digital printing has on the world of flexible packaging is the ability to print directly on a plastic surface. Therefore, there is an instant elimination of labels, which translates into the elimination of costs and saves time for the manufacturer as well. Automatically there is less waste, the ability to meet shorter production times and allows greater flexibility in terms of the design of the packaging. Digital printing and flexible packaging have now allowed the use of rapid clip that allows quick folding and unfolding of the packet-making it both easily accessible and easy to manufacture. Both digital printing and flexible packaging are two techniques that work closely together to form the best possible union for production.
So what is holding you back?
Rubeeflexpackaging is a premiere in digital printing services. Choose your design and start custom digital printing today!
Digital printing revolutionized the packaging industry as it innovated the process of printing without contact with the printing press. The required image or design is directly set to the processes. The changes which can be made to the design and automation of the printing in digital printing have allowed easier and quicker solutions. The final product of digital printing has also brought more value as it allows a better quality of a finished image. The previous methods of using flexo-printing and the press set would compromise the resolution of the printed image with a longer economic run. Digital printing revolutionized all printing used in the industry and was not limited to the designing of labels. The billboards, brochures, flyers, and letterheads could not be all customized and presented with a better finish and resolution in comparison to their predecessors. Digital printing gave a better cost-benefit analysis as it eliminated the need to maintain high stock levels by not needing intensive setups.
The retail market is competitive to an exhaustive degree, with shorter product cycles which mean packaging has to keep up with the ever-changing speed of the retail industry. Not only is the product life shorter but they may also require individualized packaging which must be completed according to the design and not delay the manufacturing process. Thus, the flexibility of digital printing is unparalleled in terms of the results it gives. The number of colors and graphics used in combination in digital printing is limitless providing an endless array of possible designs to be formed. The new tech also allows corrections and amendments to be made without any penalty. The high coverage process allows a smoother change process within a limited period. Designers have also been pleased with the fact that digital printing allows small text and tone graphics without any extra costs or the need for separate machinery. This new technique has also done away with the need for labels as all relevant information can now be posted directed onto the container, as the pioneered technology has allowed most materials and shapes to be printed with the needed information directly. Digital printing has enabled greater protection of designs as well. This discourages replication and doubles as an anti-counterfeit technique. As the market is quick to replicate any successful design and offer it on less the amount it was originally marketed at.
This high demand for counterfeit products has made it necessary for designers to use digital printing that uses specific codes and specific inks that cannot be re-used unless express permission is provided. Consumers also find this reassuring as they have no qualms about the authenticity of the products. This practice is particularly popular in the cosmetics industry which is a highly lucrative market for counterfeit products. Then, digital printing is just a new fancy way of printing things rather it allows a greater way to trace and keep track of products. The ink itself acts as a carrier of unique information which then can be read by software to keep track of individual items. Pharmaceutical companies are using this technique to combat fraudulent trading and trace where the products are sold.
Rubeeflexpackaging is premier in designing eye-catching and cost-effective digital printing solutions that provide the most value both for small and large businesses. RubeeFlex is also proud to provide quick, reliable lead times for every industry. We can keep pace with your unexpected schedule and help you meet launch deadlines without compromising quality.
So, What is holding you back?
Connect with a RubeeRep today to talk options, place an order, or find answers to your most pressing packaging questions or contact us at 516-274-8080
Think back to your trip to the grocery store. Imagine yourself standing in an aisle and now look around you at the different colored packages that all have one aim i.e. to gain your attention. Sure you may choose a product based simply on the fact that you have using it for years now. Although, don’t overrule the chances of you selecting a different brand simply because they have better packaging in comparison to the brand you normally use. Our brain is already bombarded with hundreds of stimuli and to deal with it the brain compartmentalizes stimuli into categories that they can access later. If you’re packaging is unable to stand out in the sea designs than it can be dubbed a failed design.
Packaging in the bygone era was wrapping up a loaf of bread in brown paper to protect it from any moisture. That very same loaf of bread is now packed preferably in biodegradable plastic, where it has to travel hundreds of miles for final consumption, the packaging has to have all the relevant information written on it, and the colors of the packaging must be bright enough to compete with their competitors. Thus, it would be a gross understatement to say that packaging is tricky business and requires some fiddling around. Not only may customers skip your offering but they may form negative associations with your brand name. In their mind, your brand may be permanently stamped as product offerings which do not align with their values. Frankly, speaking they may be written off as “uncool” and filed away in the back dusty drawer of your brain. The packaging is your salesman that will scream out the values of your company.
The traditional printing never saw the shocks of thunder coming their way when digital printing first ambushed them in 1993. Commercial use of digital printing which allowed the use of vivid colors, different fonts and shorter processing times all meant that a revolution had occurred for the packaging industry. Marketers now had access to numerous designs which would not affect their manufacturing processes- enabling customization on large scales. Packaging before the onset of digital printing was mostly a non- interactive process whereby there was no input taken from the consumers in their design.
Yet, digital printing allowed the birth of an interactive process, where the consumers and the company both formed schemes to design the packaging. Lays was able to connect with their customers where they were asked to share a “lazy summer photo” which was then printed on a lays packet. If digital printing had not been pioneered mass scale packaging customization of lays packet wouldn’t have been possible. Digital printing is not limited to newer fancier graphics but they all a point of sales experience to be generated, using QR codes, 3D printing and augmented reality. Industry specialists have been known to be blown away by the consistent quality that the digital press can churn out in comparison to its conventional counterpart.
At RubeeFlex we can create eye-catching imagery and inspired text to complement every project. We’ll help you choose just the right texture, color, shape, size, material and closure style guaranteed to please customers and define your core brand.
So what are you waiting for? Connect with a RubeeRep today to talk options, place an order, or find answers to your most pressing digital printing questions.