Have you ever picked a sandwich from a shop and wondered if it was fresh? Many will answer this question in a YES! It is obvious that while buying food items each consumer prefers a freshly packed product. And, the food industry knows the importance of the same & always looks for ways to offer freshly cooked food to buyers. Considering the demand and without compromising the quality factor, the packaging industry provides plastic film packaging solutions.

There are packaging service providers who are giving a variety of options to food & beverage. However, there are certain essential things to know when choosing the same. As, we all know not every plastic film packing in the market would be the right product to invest in. Therefore, before putting up your money & not risking the health of the consumers read the insightful details mentioned below.

There are different densities of film packaging materials that are suitable for different categories of food items.

For the bottles that store liquid such as water, juices, or milk, it is recommended to use high-density polyethylene. Furthermore, these are used in cereal box liners & in the retail sector for bags. They are sturdier and cannot easily be torn apart. In addition to the above, a solvent-resistant nature makes these a preferred choice among others.

Another one is the low density which while sealing involves heat. Next time, while you were buying bread, remember that it is packed by using low-density polyethylene. Moreover, the flexible lids which are convenient to use are also manufactured by utilizing the respective polyethylene.

Then comes polypropylene which generally are used in manufacturing the bottles that contain food & salad dressing liquids. The yogurt container that you pick from the stores also is molded with the respective material.

When it comes to keeping food fresh for longer hours which also demands a barrier from moisture,polystyrene is utilized. They are stiff & therefore cartons, plates, and cups are manufactured to pack the food items. This also makes transportation easy along with locking the freshness of eatables.

The film packaging materials, along with the density also vary in color and layers. There are packaging manufacturers using one technology or two, offering the options for materials. To avail, the respective solutions connect with the Rubeeflex Packaging team of experts. Their assistance will help in taking the right decision for your food and beverage business.

Consistent packaging design across various products creates a cohesive brand image and helps consumers easily recognize and associate your products with your brand. In summary, effective food packaging is a multifaceted tool that can positively impact consumer perception, differentiate your brand, and contribute to the overall success and marketability of your products. Investing in thoughtful and strategic packaging design is an essential aspect of brand development and marketing.

RubeeFlex offers top-quality packaging solutions and helps businesses to have desired wrapping options. Their wide range of categories will give you options suitable for your business.

There are packaging service providers who are giving a variety of options to food & beverage. However, there are certain essential things to know when choosing the same. As we all know not every plastic film packing in the market would be the right product to invest in. 

The different densities of packaging materials are suitable for various categories of food items.

For the bottles that store liquid such as water, juices, or milk, it is recommended to use high-density polyethylene. Furthermore, these are used in cereal box liners & the retail sector for bags. They are sturdier and cannot easily be torn apart. In addition to the above, a solvent-resistant nature makes these a preferred choice among others.

Another one is the low density which while sealing involves heat. Next time, while buying bread, remember to choose those being packed by using low-density polyethylene. Moreover, the flexible lids that are convenient to use are also manufactured utilizing the respective polyethylene.

Then comes polypropylene which generally is used in manufacturing the bottles that contain food & salad dressing liquids. The yogurt container picked from the stores is molded with the respective material.

Plastic-based packaging plays a crucial role in maintaining the freshness of food items through various mechanisms. Here are 10 ways how plastic-based packaging achieves this:

Barrier Protection: Plastic packaging forms a barrier that prevents oxygen, moisture, and other gases from permeating through, thus slowing down the oxidation process that leads to food spoilage.

Extended Shelf Life: By creating a controlled environment, plastic packaging helps extend the shelf life of food items, keeping them fresher for longer periods.

Protection from Contaminants: Plastic packaging provides a physical barrier that protects food from contaminants such as dust, dirt, and microorganisms, reducing the risk of spoilage and foodborne illnesses.

Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP): Some plastic packaging is designed to modify the atmosphere surrounding the food by adjusting the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen, which can inhibit microbial growth and enzymatic reactions that cause spoilage.

Moisture Control: Plastic packaging can regulate moisture levels by either blocking moisture from entering or allowing excess moisture to escape, depending on the specific requirements of the food product.

Temperature Control: Plastic packaging helps to insulate food items, maintaining optimal temperature conditions during storage and transportation, which is crucial for preserving freshness.

Protection from Light: Certain types of plastic packaging are designed to block out light, which can cause food to deteriorate due to photochemical reactions. This is particularly important for light-sensitive products like dairy and certain meats.

Tamper-Evidence Features: Many plastic packaging solutions include tamper-evidence features such as seals and closures, ensuring the integrity of the package and assuring consumers that the food inside is fresh and safe to consume.

Portion Control: Individual plastic packaging portions help maintain freshness by reducing exposure to air and contaminants. Once opened, the remaining portions remain sealed and protected until consumed.

Convenience Features: Plastic packaging often includes features such as resealable zippers and easy-to-open seals, allowing consumers to conveniently access the food while preserving its freshness between servings.


These methods demonstrate how plastic-based packaging serves as a versatile solution for preserving the freshness and quality of food items throughout the supply chain, from production to consumption. 

In a nutshell, product packaging is not just for keeping the product safe from outer hazards and keeping it fresh for a longer time. It is meant to serve various purposes which include advertisement of the product, the safety of the product, and brand establishment information. This is the reason why brands are quite obsessed with their product packaging and spend millions of dollars just to make it attractive and informative. You may contact Rubeeflex Packaging for the latest packaging solutions that are specifically designed for edible products.

In a shopping mall, an attractively & uniquely packed product placed on shelves catches the shoppers’ eye. You probably noticed that every product, including household items, food, eatables, consumer goods, beauty products, confectioneries, toys, and pharmaceuticals is packed in a way to differentiate it from its peer competition.

On the demand of manufacturers, packaging solution providers have started using innovative concepts coupled with state-of-the-art machinery to produce excellent quality flexible packaging material, which is further converted into qualitative packaging.

Switching to sustainable slider pouches offers several benefits for edible product manufacturers. 

Here are ten reasons why manufacturers are making this transition:

Environmental Responsibility: Sustainable slider pouches are typically made from eco-friendly materials, such as recyclable or compostable plastics, reducing the environmental impact of packaging and demonstrating a commitment to sustainability.

Reduced Carbon Footprint: Manufacturing sustainable slider pouches often requires fewer resources and generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional packaging materials, contributing to lower carbon footprints for edible product manufacturers.

Consumer Preference: Many consumers prioritize sustainability and seek out products with environmentally friendly packaging. By using sustainable slider pouches, manufacturers can appeal to environmentally conscious consumers and enhance their brand reputation.

Regulatory Compliance: With increasing regulations and mandates regarding packaging materials and environmental sustainability, using sustainable slider pouches can help edible product manufacturers ensure compliance with legal requirements and avoid penalties.

Cost Savings: While the initial investment in sustainable packaging may be higher, manufacturers can realize cost savings in the long term through reduced material usage, waste disposal costs, and potential incentives for adopting sustainable practices.

Innovative Branding: Sustainable slider pouches offer opportunities for creative branding and product differentiation. Manufacturers can highlight their commitment to sustainability through packaging design, messaging, and visual appeal, attracting consumer attention and loyalty.

Extended Shelf Life: Some sustainable packaging materials offer enhanced barrier properties, protecting edible products from moisture, oxygen, and light exposure, thereby extending shelf life and reducing food waste.

Supply Chain Resilience: Sustainable packaging materials may be sourced from renewable or recycled sources, diversifying supply chains and reducing dependence on finite resources, which can be vulnerable to supply chain disruptions or price fluctuations.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Adopting sustainable practices, including the use of sustainable slider pouches, aligns with corporate social responsibility initiatives and demonstrates a commitment to ethical business practices, benefiting both society and the environment.

Future-Proofing: As consumer preferences and regulatory requirements continue to evolve toward sustainability, investing in sustainable packaging solutions like slider pouches positions edible product manufacturers for long-term success and resilience in a changing market landscape.


Overall, transitioning to sustainable slider pouches can offer edible product manufacturers a competitive edge, cost savings, regulatory compliance, and enhanced brand reputation, while also contributing to environmental conservation and addressing consumer demand for sustainable packaging options.

Rubeeflex Packaging is one of the most popular sustainable slider pouch providers. Rubeeflex Packaging has experienced industry experts who maintain market standards while manufacturing wrapping bags for businesses. Also, They pay attention to the detail shown in every zipper, slider, meticulous stamp, sticker, spout, and score. So what are you waiting for? just visit the website and get instant assistance with your requirements.

The printing industry has been shaken to the core due to the development of new technology which allows the printing press to print without being in contact with the design. The tradition printing method of flexo-printing did not allow flexibility despite what the name suggested as it would require the press to stick to a specific design for mass production and not allow changes in the design itself. The inset of digital printing has given designers the freedom to be adventurous with their designs and to make minute changes at the drop of a hat. This means they are able to make their designs part of an interactive campaign that relies on printing based on the different data being obtained and converting it into prints. The Lays Company used the “summer days” campaigns to get their customers to submit photos of their summer holidays and then print them on each packet. Only digital printing allowed a marketing campaign of such magnitude to be successfully completed as a collaboration between production, designers, social media managers and more was an important factor here.

The market growth of digital printing packaging has also allowed packaging to be a source of protection of their brand. Designs have become a great source of equity and they must be protected in every possible way. Digital printing has increased the market share of a company by allowing companies to trace their products through the incorporation of GR codes or secret codes within the packaging. This has been particularly relevant for industries that deal with sensitive items such as the pharmaceutical industry. They are now able to trace any contraband usage by the codes embedded into the packaging which gives the companies great leverage over their competitors.  The end result produced by a digital printer is far more superior to that of produced by a traditional printer, the use of the newly pioneered inks are what makes digital printing a massive share of the packing industry.

Another reason why the digital printing market share has grown to cover approximately 70% of the industry is that it takes into account how short product life cycles are. Product life cycles in the retail industry have become shorter and shorter over the years and require major challenges in keeping up with the printing involved. As digital printing continues to find solutions to the problems presented by traditionally printing it is predicted to reach new heights of 21.35 billion in the coming years. The number will further increase as the traditional printing techniques become obsolete and reach ultimate wipeout. As the finished product produced through digital printing is of superior quality and with greater flexibility. Most commercial printers have realized how digital printing lowers the overhead costs and this financial incentive is enough for them to switch to them. The new market growth will witness many traditional printers to convert into digital printers that mean a shift in expertise and revenue flow will change dramatically within the industry, giving way to stronger competition and breaking hegemony of established printers.

At RubeeFlex we know that while rich, durable materials will protect your products, that’s not enough to make them stand out on a crowded shelf. For that extra bit of marketing magic, let us design your packaging for maximum impact.

Our artists can create eye-catching imagery and inspired text to complement every project. We’ll help you choose just the right texture, color, shape, size, material and closure style guaranteed to please customers and define your core brand.

So what is holding you back? Choose your style, size and start designing your digitally printed custom packaging to make a difference in today’s competitive market.

Call us at 516.274.8080 to connect with a RubeeRep today to talk options, place an order, or find answers to your most pressing packaging questions.

Remember the time you bought something simply because the packaging was cute! Well, this phenomenon occurs more often than you think. Packaging used to be a container that holds the product and a sticker, which tells you what it is. In its raw form, the sole purpose of packaging was to ensure the product was protected and safely delivered to the customers. This definition evolved with the times as the industrial revolution brought products to be readily available and customers starting to edge towards the self-help culture.

The packaging is now, seen as a silent sales-man that can communicate all the values of the company with research reporting that more than 70% of consumers view packaging as an important factor in making their purchase decisions. Label design now must be both attractive and practical to be deemed, successful. Packaging if you think about it like the first impression you want to make on people. Companies that have a gift like packaging make their customers feel special which translates into more than 60% of people making repeated purchases.

Good packaging is a mark of the company being detail-oriented and possible even which would have good customer service and this can be communicated before customers having tired the product. Sure you will get other chances to redeem yourself but the opportunity is too good to lose and frankly in this competitive environment, unforgivable.

Having understood how important custom product packaging is, we need to look into what makes a good design and what should marketers keep in mind when in the designing process. The following factors are all beneficial for a designer to create the perfect packaging for their product:

1) Understand the Company

Before you even begin at the drawing board to design the custom product packaging, make sure, to fully understand the company. The company uses packaging to reflect their values and image. If at the starting point one is not clear about the said values then, the chances of creating a label and packaging true to the company are slim. Does the company want to give out a fun image, or are they a luxury brand in which the packaging should be a gift like, do they provide a masculine or feminine product or does the company want to project a minimalistic approach. Whatever the values of the company they should reflect in the packaging. All Apple products come in minimal packaging, which is a direct reflection of their products that emphasize clean, no-frills product design.

2) Understand the Practicalities

The custom product packaging has now become synonymous with being a tool through which to attract customers, yet at the core, packing serves to protect and facilitate the transport of a product. Therefore, if the product needs any special packaging features then they should be accounted, for in the design process. What kind of opening is best for the product? If it is liquid then must then does it need to be re-sealed. What kind of material could it use? Is it a perishable item or not, whether it needs to be microwave friendly or not, and are there and regulations to follow when designing the packaging.

3) Understand the Information that Needs to go on the Packaging

Packaging often designed to ensure that all the information required by law to place on it for consumer knowledge. Designing a label or packaging without first considering the information needs to go on it is positively suicidal-remember the famous Mcdonald’s lawsuit! As information written on labels, are, a highly sensitive matter, and could lead to litigation if not handled correctly. Information such as any warnings, possible side effects, usage instructions, ingredients, calories and more are now important information, which needs to be listed on the packaging before it is fit for consumption by law. Some products by default may need instructions written on them which specify how they need to be used.

 4) Understand How And Where It Will Be Sold

 Products that are sold on the internet versus products that are sold in stores have different packaging needs. Products sold in a store may require to be designed in a brighter color to compete with the other brands on the shelf while the ones sold online can rely on product photography to have a completely different design aesthetic. Features of design which do not allow a comfortable shelf placement is discouraged. As the store may find it burdensome to place the oddly shaped packages on their shelves, yet if the very same product was exclusively sold online then the shape would be acceptable. Cylindrical shaped boxes that may slide off the shelf or certain industry packaging such as shoes that come in rectangular boxes are all factors that need to be considered.

5) Understand the Importance of a Good Graphic Designer

Companies often try to act smart and cut corners by not hiring the most professional graphic designer in the market. They believe one is just as good as the other, and the designed product would not suffer from this. Yet the truth is that if a graphic designer is unable to understand your vision then the chances of them designing packaging and graphics will not be up to the mark. A graphic designer who can communicate with you, and you with him would be the perfect fit for the company. The key is to provide the designer with all the necessary information so that they could craft aesthetically appealing and eye-catching custom product packaging.

6) Understand the Environmental Impact

 Packaging that is eye-catching and painted in bright colors will catch the attention of your potential customer but it may catch attention for all the wrong reasons as well. In this environmentally charged environment, packaging that cannot be recycled, or uses excessive packaging is now considered a hazard to the environment. There is generally greater awareness about the harmful effects of the use of plastic and packaging that cannot be reused or recycled. Disregarding this fact could lead the company into hot waters and tarnish the company’s image. It is best to incorporate green packaging into the design to uphold the environment and not chance the wrath of customers.

7) Understand the Production Limitations

 On the drawing broad the packaging can look great but you need to consider the impact it will have on the production line when the design eventually has to be mass-produced. On paper, the design may look wonderful yet if it proves too problematic then the design is a hindrance to itself and needs to be rectified. Designs can prove to be problematic when they need skilled works to be assembled, new machinery to form, finicky bits that add time on the production line and colors which are not readily available causing a delay in production. Avoiding this problem is only possible if the production team is also included in the discussions concerning the designs.

8) Understand Who the Target Audience is

 When designing a custom product packaging it is extremely important to know your audience. We have already discussed understanding the company but it is equally important to understand the target audience. Their demographics, socio-economic bracket, and educational background are important features that must be considered. Chances of designing a package, which reflects the ideas of the targeted audience, will be an instant success. What are the emotions that the company wishes to evoke on the selected audience and is the designed product fulfilling that are all valid considerations when designing for the target audience. Millennials, boomers, generation Z have all different values and companies are aware of the differences between the generations therefore when targeting any particular audience they can cater to their specific needs.

9) Understand the Financial Implications

Good custom product packaging has almost become a buzzword, which is overkill at the time and the budget it drains can sometimes be not justified. Designing the packaging systematically should ideally bring additional value to the company and if it is not happening, then whether it is worth it is a question that needs to be asked. Understanding when a simple design can be beneficial for the presentation of the product is imperative in the grand scheme of things. It is wrong to think that all quirky designs are necessary and will attract a larger market share, as if it brings to real practical value then the financial implications of the design would be worthless.

10) Understand the Fonts 

 One would think that something as simple as the typography can be an easy hack for any designer or marketer. Yet the simpler the points the more likely they are forgotten by them. Fonts or colors used which inhibit a customers’ ability to read the information or the brand name can prove to be problematic, as then the customer will simply reach for the competitor with more legible writing on the packaging. The amount of information given on the packaging should also be weighed as a packaging filled to the brim with information that may overwhelm the buyer.

At RubeeFlex we know that while rich, durable materials will protect your products, that’s not enough to make them stand out on a crowded shelf. For that extra bit of marketing magic, let us design your packaging for maximum impact.

So do you want out of the box custom product packaging? Choose your custom product packaging style and start designing today!

With the increasing use of flexible packaging and flexible films across various industries, manufacturers of consumer goods are trying hard to adapt to new but more innovative ways of packaging that can appeal, protect, cut costs and extend the shelf life of the products especially the food items. So, over the past couple of years, we have seen a tremendous amount of increase in the adoption of barrier bags which has the potential to protect the inside content from oxygen, moisture so that it may not get spoiled. Some of the very common barrier bags available in the market are coffee and slider zipper pouches.

Still wondering what are barrier bags?

Simply put, the barrier bags are bags that are shaped and designed in such a way that the content within the bags stays fresh and protected from dirt, contamination, and vapor. They are usually made of heavy-duty plastic with smell proof properties. These bags are specially designed for food items but not limited to. They can also be used across other industries.

Types of Barriers Bags

There are several types of barriers bags that are used for various needs. Some of the most common types of barriers bags are;

  • Gusseted Bags
  • Clear Front Bags
  • Zipper Pouch Bags
  • Spouted Bags
  • Heat Seal Bags

Here at Rubeeflexpackaging, we produce some of the highest quality barriers bags that speak for itself. They are some of our top and most popular items to date. Our barriers bags are affordable, available in various sizes, smell-proof, protect the inside content from moisture and keep it fresh as long as it stays on the shelf. In the last but not least, our barriers bags are super safe and durable.

At RubeeFlex we know that while rich, durable materials will protect your products that are not enough to make them stand out on a crowded shelf. For that extra bit of marketing magic, let us design your packaging for maximum impact.

Ready to pack outside the box? Get a Free Quote Today to Start Your Custom Design.

Do you wonder how to choose the right type of packaging for your product?

YES. You should wonder because the market is flooded with a range of packaging solutions i.e. boxes, pouches, films, etc. So, it becomes very difficult to choose the best packaging for your product that can fit both your product and customer needs.

The packaging is the first thing that your customer sees. When it goes wrong it can prove to be very detrimental not only to your product but also to your brand that you are supposed to nurture. With wrong packaging, you can lose the trust of your customers. In short, your product packaging can make or break your whole business. Your product packaging could mean a lot to your business survival in the much crowded and competitive market. There is a power of influence when you package your product in a creative way that appeals to your customers. And creative product packaging keeps you distinguished from your competitors on the shelf.

So you need to give your product packaging some special attention in order to reap its multifold benefits in the course of your business and brand building.

When it comes to choosing the right packaging for your product, consider the following key factors.

Know Your Audience Very Well

When you are going to choose packaging for your product always try to keep your the intended audience at the forefront. after all, it’s your customers who will be attracted to your products when your product packaging is visually appealing.

Keeping the audience right the forefront will take your product success all along.

To attract your customers it is of paramount importance to research and understands them before taking any sort of packaging decision.

Here comes market research which is a great way to research your intended audience values and preferences that will help you in choosing the right type of packaging.

Think About Your Packaging Size

When it comes to product packaging, size matters a lot. Your product will come and ship in different sizes. So you have to keep a special focus on the size of your product packaging. Choosing the right size for your product is one of the major factors for the success of your product.

Think About Your Budget

Once you determine what is the right type of packaging for your product, here comes the scope of your budget.  It’s the budget that will tell what type of materials you can use in your product packaging and what to spend to craft stunning packaging design that will attract your customers.

The market is full of many packaging options, but flexible and eco-friendly the packaging is the best solution that can both protect your product and the environment. They are also cost effective if you are tight in the budget.

Finding the right balance what’s in your hand and what can you spend will largely affect the success of your project.

Think About Transportation

Like design, it is also very mandatory to consider that your product packaging should be made from such material that it can be easily transported from one place to another with little to no damage and with ease. If your product is fragile you will need to focus more on the materials of your packaging that is specifically designed for strength. When your product packaging is strong it will definitely reduce your overall cost.

Consider Your Packaging Material

When you are up to choosing the right packaging for your product try to keep in mind that packaging made from flexible and sustainable material would prove to be the best choice. Because flexible packaging will not only protect your product during transportation from place to another but will also increase its shelf life. Flexible packaging has taken the packaging market by storm. You can say that is has become today’s packaging norm. Every business from small to large whether it is food, drink, pharma or oils are incorporating flexible packaging into their business lasting brand impact.

Here at rubeeflexpackaging, we produce state of the art but the right type of packaging for your products that can excel and keep you distinguishing in the crowded market.



Digital Printing vs. Rotogravure Printing: Which one is better?

Why is it important to understand the difference between digital printing vs. Rotogravure printing before you choose one over the other?

Let’s have a look over the differences between digital printing vs. Rotogravure printing one by one.

What is Digital Printing?

Digital printing does not use printing plates like Rotogravure printing, but instead, it uses a toner like used in laser printers or other large printers that uses liquid ink for printing. Digital printing takes an edge over Rotogravure printing when smaller quantities of bags are needed, for example, a food manufacturer who has 50 or 100 business packaging printing items and needs just minimal bags of each. The other added benefit of digital printing over Rotogravure printing is that it uses variable data. When there is a need that each piece needs a unique code, address and name digital printing is the perfect choice to go with. While Rotogravure printing does not have this capability to accommodate this need.

While there is no doubt that Rotogravure printing is more economical per each bag, we still can’t deny the fact that many businesses do not need large runs of 10,000 or more per each SKU, and for them, the best solution is digital printing.

What is Rotogravure Printing?

The rotogravure printing process is different from digital printing. Unlike toner in digital printing, an image is directly engraved onto the paper, box, or packaging in rotogravure printing. Rotogravure is a relief print process that uses an engraved, often metal, print plate to transfer a design by rolling through ink and onto the printing surface. In packaging, rotogravure printing is used most often to print on thin, flexible material like a stand-up pouch, film roll stock and so on.

What are the Advantages of Digital Printing?

  • There are no Printing Plates Costs.
  • Print only the amount you need, when you need it
  • Lower minimum quantities (as low as 300 – 1,000 pieces per print, depending on how many SKUs you have)
  • Variable data capability (names, addresses, codes or numbering can be done easily)
  • Improved technology has made digital quality acceptable for more uses

What are the Advantages of Rotogravure Printing?

  • Large quantities can be printed cost effectively
  • The more you print, the cheaper the price per piece becomes
  • A larger variety of material structure types with custom finishes can be used
  • Special custom inks such as metallic and Pantone colors are available
  • Highest possible printing quality, with greater detail and color fidelity

Which One is the Right Fit for my Next Project?

Rotogravure and digital are both useful printing methods. Each has particular benefits, depending on your project’s requirements. When you need larger runs of a project, Rotogravure printing is the way to go.

If a smaller run is needed either cause you are having too many SKU’s and can’t print 10,000 of each, or cause you to want to add a new item to your product line but want to try it first with smaller runs, digital printing is your solution. The best part is that as a business, your needs can be met with either of these choices, and the high-level of quality means you get a printed product that will make you look great!

Are you looking for stunning, eco-friendly and innovative packaging solutions for your products that stands you out in the shelf than your competitors? Then contact us here at Rubeeflexpackaging that is a leader in flexible and custom packaging solutions.

Custom Packaging Benefits: As its name implies, custom packaging means designing custom crafted customized packaging around your product with your Company logo, package size, dimensions, and colours so that it can stand out well versus the competitor product, and represent your product with a strong branding message. Custom packaging presents your products or services visually appealing to the end consumers that results in trust and better sales which in today’s competitive world, most of the businesses prefer to have custom packaging rather than to select ready-made packaging or boxes which grabs much less attention of the end consumer while standing on the store shelf or so.

When it comes to useful packaging, it plays an important role in several categories of business industries ranging from Foods to Drinks, Medical, Pharmacy, Oils, Personal care, Natural and much more.

Custom Packaging Benefits:

Custom packaging offers multiple benefits over ready-made packaging and some of which are as under;

Sizes and Dimensions:

With Ready-Made packaging you will need to adjust your products way of packaging to fit the Box sizes available as they are not “one size fits all,” While with custom packaging, you can design and customize packaging as per the exact sizes and dimensions of your products which proves very useful in shipping and is cost effective as well. Having customized packaging for your products will add an extra level of protection while transporting your items from one place to another.

Custom Packaging Adds Value:

It creates a positive and lasting impact on your consumers and retailers about your products. When you design and print customized packaging boxes with your logo and colours, it makes it super attractive and attractive packaging attracts customers. With customized packaging, your customer’s thinks that you care both about your products and your customers so custom packaging should be the top priority of every business owner.

Helps in Brand Awareness:

Custom packaging helps in increasing brand awareness. Unlike plain boxes packaging, customized packaging enables you to be distinguished from other brands easily when loading and offloading the container.


Rubeeflexpackaging offers many flexible packaging solutions that are durable, cost-effective and ensure strong visually appealing for your products in the super crowded market. Contact us here for your further queries.

Flexible Packaging Market Size: Flexible packaging is a type of packaging that is made from many layers of plastic, aluminium, foil, and paper so that it can be easily shaped and changed as per the industry changing demands. Stand-up pouches, standing, gusseted and spouted bags are all types of flexible packaging. The best thing about flexible packaging is that they can be resealed, reused and recycled to minimize the waste, reduce the overall weight and extend the shelf life of the products especially the food products. Typically at a very lower cost, flexible packaging can be manufactured with lower warehousing and shipping cost when they are stored or transported from one place to another.

Flexible Packaging Growth Rate & Market Size

Flexible Packaging has shown tremendous growth in the premium packaging industry for the past couple of years. Flexible packaging has been one of the fastest growing sectors in the global business arena for the past 10 to 15 years. Flexible packaging technology has advanced over the past decade, and the consumers are showing so much interest in it due to its economic and eco-friendly nature, and have become a mainstay for many products.

Flexible Packaging Market Size in 2015:

The Global Demand for flexible packaging was valued at 210 Billion Dollars in 2015 according to a new market report by Smithers Pira.

Flexible Packaging Market Size in 2016:

The Global Flexible Packaging market size was valued at 221.82 Billion Dollars in 2016.

Flexible Packaging Market Size in 2017:

The Flexible Packaging Market was valued at 230.97 Billion Dollars in 2017.

Flexible Packaging Market Size in 2018:

Global Flexible Packaging Industry was valued at 231 Billion Dollars by 2018.

Flexible Packaging Market Size by 2020:

The Market is forecast to grow at an annual average rate of 3% reaching 248 Billion Dollars in 2020.

Flexible Packaging Market Size by 2022:

Flexible Packaging Market size is projected to be around 324 Billion Dollars by 2022.

Rubeeflexpackaging offer many flexible packaging solutions that are durable, cost-effective and ensure strong visually appealing for your products in the super crowded market. Contact us here for your further queries.