Have you ever picked a sandwich from a shop and wondered if it was fresh? Many will answer this question in a YES! It is obvious that while buying food items each consumer prefers a freshly packed product. And, the food industry knows the importance of the same & always looks for ways to offer freshly cooked food to buyers. Considering the demand and without compromising the quality factor, the packaging industry provides plastic film packaging solutions.

There are packaging service providers who are giving a variety of options to food & beverage. However, there are certain essential things to know when choosing the same. As, we all know not every plastic film packing in the market would be the right product to invest in. Therefore, before putting up your money & not risking the health of the consumers read the insightful details mentioned below.

There are different densities of film packaging materials that are suitable for different categories of food items.

For the bottles that store liquid such as water, juices, or milk, it is recommended to use high-density polyethylene. Furthermore, these are used in cereal box liners & in the retail sector for bags. They are sturdier and cannot easily be torn apart. In addition to the above, a solvent-resistant nature makes these a preferred choice among others.

Another one is the low density which while sealing involves heat. Next time, while you were buying bread, remember that it is packed by using low-density polyethylene. Moreover, the flexible lids which are convenient to use are also manufactured by utilizing the respective polyethylene.

Then comes polypropylene which generally are used in manufacturing the bottles that contain food & salad dressing liquids. The yogurt container that you pick from the stores also is molded with the respective material.

When it comes to keeping food fresh for longer hours which also demands a barrier from moisture,polystyrene is utilized. They are stiff & therefore cartons, plates, and cups are manufactured to pack the food items. This also makes transportation easy along with locking the freshness of eatables.

The film packaging materials, along with the density also vary in color and layers. There are packaging manufacturers using one technology or two, offering the options for materials. To avail, the respective solutions connect with the Rubeeflex Packaging team of experts. Their assistance will help in taking the right decision for your food and beverage business.

Consistent packaging design across various products creates a cohesive brand image and helps consumers easily recognize and associate your products with your brand. In summary, effective food packaging is a multifaceted tool that can positively impact consumer perception, differentiate your brand, and contribute to the overall success and marketability of your products. Investing in thoughtful and strategic packaging design is an essential aspect of brand development and marketing.

RubeeFlex offers top-quality packaging solutions and helps businesses to have desired wrapping options. Their wide range of categories will give you options suitable for your business.

There are packaging service providers who are giving a variety of options to food & beverage. However, there are certain essential things to know when choosing the same. As we all know not every plastic film packing in the market would be the right product to invest in. 

The different densities of packaging materials are suitable for various categories of food items.

For the bottles that store liquid such as water, juices, or milk, it is recommended to use high-density polyethylene. Furthermore, these are used in cereal box liners & the retail sector for bags. They are sturdier and cannot easily be torn apart. In addition to the above, a solvent-resistant nature makes these a preferred choice among others.

Another one is the low density which while sealing involves heat. Next time, while buying bread, remember to choose those being packed by using low-density polyethylene. Moreover, the flexible lids that are convenient to use are also manufactured utilizing the respective polyethylene.

Then comes polypropylene which generally is used in manufacturing the bottles that contain food & salad dressing liquids. The yogurt container picked from the stores is molded with the respective material.

Plastic-based packaging plays a crucial role in maintaining the freshness of food items through various mechanisms. Here are 10 ways how plastic-based packaging achieves this:

Barrier Protection: Plastic packaging forms a barrier that prevents oxygen, moisture, and other gases from permeating through, thus slowing down the oxidation process that leads to food spoilage.

Extended Shelf Life: By creating a controlled environment, plastic packaging helps extend the shelf life of food items, keeping them fresher for longer periods.

Protection from Contaminants: Plastic packaging provides a physical barrier that protects food from contaminants such as dust, dirt, and microorganisms, reducing the risk of spoilage and foodborne illnesses.

Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP): Some plastic packaging is designed to modify the atmosphere surrounding the food by adjusting the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen, which can inhibit microbial growth and enzymatic reactions that cause spoilage.

Moisture Control: Plastic packaging can regulate moisture levels by either blocking moisture from entering or allowing excess moisture to escape, depending on the specific requirements of the food product.

Temperature Control: Plastic packaging helps to insulate food items, maintaining optimal temperature conditions during storage and transportation, which is crucial for preserving freshness.

Protection from Light: Certain types of plastic packaging are designed to block out light, which can cause food to deteriorate due to photochemical reactions. This is particularly important for light-sensitive products like dairy and certain meats.

Tamper-Evidence Features: Many plastic packaging solutions include tamper-evidence features such as seals and closures, ensuring the integrity of the package and assuring consumers that the food inside is fresh and safe to consume.

Portion Control: Individual plastic packaging portions help maintain freshness by reducing exposure to air and contaminants. Once opened, the remaining portions remain sealed and protected until consumed.

Convenience Features: Plastic packaging often includes features such as resealable zippers and easy-to-open seals, allowing consumers to conveniently access the food while preserving its freshness between servings.


These methods demonstrate how plastic-based packaging serves as a versatile solution for preserving the freshness and quality of food items throughout the supply chain, from production to consumption. 

In a nutshell, product packaging is not just for keeping the product safe from outer hazards and keeping it fresh for a longer time. It is meant to serve various purposes which include advertisement of the product, the safety of the product, and brand establishment information. This is the reason why brands are quite obsessed with their product packaging and spend millions of dollars just to make it attractive and informative. You may contact Rubeeflex Packaging for the latest packaging solutions that are specifically designed for edible products.

Promoting a brand through attractive packaging ideas is an essential aspect of marketing and can significantly influence consumers’ purchasing decisions. Effective packaging not only protects the product but also serves as a marketing tool. 

Here are some strategies that brands use to promote their products through attractive packaging:

Eye-catching Design: The design of the packaging should grab consumers’ attention. This includes the use of vibrant colors, interesting graphics, and compelling typography. The design should be consistent with the brand’s identity and message.

Unique Shape and Structure: Unconventional packaging shapes and structures can pique curiosity and set your product apart from the competition. Think about how Apple’s distinctive product packaging (like the iPhone box) stands out.

Branding Elements: Make sure your brand’s logo and name are prominently displayed on the packaging. This builds brand recognition and trust.

Storytelling: Use the packaging to tell a story about your brand or product. This can be through images, text, or even the packaging materials. For example, if you use sustainable materials, highlight this on the packaging.

Quality Materials: Choose high-quality materials for your packaging. Whether it’s the texture of the paper, the finish, or the feel, quality materials convey a sense of value and can make the product feel premium.

Clear Information: Ensure that essential information is easily accessible on the packaging. This includes product features, benefits, usage instructions, and nutritional information. Clarity and transparency build trust with consumers.

Eco-Friendly Packaging: Many consumers are now concerned about the environmental impact of packaging. Using eco-friendly materials and clearly communicating your commitment to sustainability can be a selling point.

Limited Editions: Creating limited edition packaging for special occasions or holidays can drive interest and urgency among consumers. It also encourages them to collect different versions of your product.

Functional Packaging: If your packaging serves a functional purpose beyond aesthetics, it can be a strong selling point. For example, resealable packaging for snacks or packaging that can be repurposed.

Emotional Connection: Connect with consumers on an emotional level. Consider how the packaging can trigger positive emotions or nostalgia.

Consistency Across Products: If you have multiple products, ensure that your packaging maintains a consistent look and feel. This makes it easier for consumers to identify your brand.

User-Generated Content: Encourage customers to share photos and videos of your products’ packaging on social media. User-generated content can be a powerful promotional tool.

Interactive Elements: Incorporate interactive elements like QR codes, augmented reality, or hidden messages that engage consumers and provide added value.

Testing and Feedback: Continuously test different packaging designs and gather feedback from consumers to refine and improve your packaging.

Legal Considerations: Ensure that your packaging complies with all legal requirements, including labeling regulations, trademarks, and safety standards.

Remember that the effectiveness of packaging can vary by industry, target audience, and product type. It’s crucial to conduct market research and understand your audience’s preferences to create packaging that resonates with them. Additionally, keep an eye on industry trends and innovations to stay ahead of the competition.


RubeeFlex Packaging offers top-quality packaging manufacturers and helps businesses to have desired wrapping options. RubeeFlex Packaging can provide the latest materials and designs, with certification from the Food Safety Department. We are a leading supplier for the manufacturers of edible items. Rubeeflex Packaging is known for sustainable packaging and offers the latest designs and customized solutions for each company’s market needs. Our wide range of categories, materials, and designs will give you options suitable for your business.

The demand and use of flexible packaging and flexible films have grown exponentially across the various business industries. Flexible packaging manufacturers are producing one of the best innovative packaging solutions for today’s modern supermarkets where it becomes difficult for online consumers not to employ these packaging solutions for their products. Flexible packaging film benefits are manifold such as versatility, customization, cost reduction, and consumer appeal.

Are you still wondering to integrate this form of packaging and squeeze out the maximum benefits from it? So, here in this very detailed article, we will dissect the top 5 flexible packaging film benefits one by one.

They are Versatile

When it comes to packaging, versatility plays a pivotal role or you can say it’s the key. With different options of flexible packaging available in the market, you can create packaging that can protect the bagged contents, stay resistive during shipment, stands high on its own on the shelf and attract consumers.

Flexible packaging films have been created for this very purpose keeping in mind the product requirements. They can resist, offer strength, stay durable and increased the shelf life of the products.

Stand-up bags or pouches are the best examples of flexible packaging films. They not only protect and keep food products safe but also attract consumers.

They are Customizable

Flexible packaging films are considered highly customizable depending upon the needs and specifications of your products. You can customize them according to your product sizes, shapes, dimensions, and other visual needs. They can be customized the way you want it and this provides you a real competitive advantage over your competitors.

Reduces Production Costs

One of the most added advantages of flexible packaging films is it reduces your production costs by minimizing the usage of materials during manufacturing. You can use it as per the exact size, shape, and dimensions of your product specifications and needs which results in a handsome amount of reduction costs.

 Promotes Reusability

The best thing with flexible packaging films is that they can be zip-locked, spouted, sealed or resealed after opening and usage that’s resulting in the reusability of the products. Today’s consumers want more and more but new ways to make their lives super convenience.

They are Eco-Friendly

Flexible packaging is sustainable and eco-friendly. Flexible packaging films consume less energy both during the manufacturing process and transportation. Thus resulting in less greenhouse effect. The sustainability, recyclability and waste reduction are inherent in flexible packaging results in an eco-friendly environment.

At RubeeFlex we know that while rich, durable materials will protect your products that are not enough to make them stand out on a crowded shelf. For that extra bit of marketing magic, let us design your packaging for maximum impact.

Ready to pack outside the box? Get a Free Quote Today to Start Your Custom Design.

Flexible packaging and flexible films have taken the business industry by storm in the past couple of years and its use is growing almost across every industry. Due to its flexibility in a packaging solution, it has become the number one choice of the business owners and the consumers as well. There are various types of flexible packaging films which are used in one way or the other to create unique packaging for different product needs ranging from pharm & medical to food & drinks to oils & lubes etc. When designing packaging for your products there are many variables and characters to consider so to best display and preserve your products. Different materials are used for different packaging solutions depending upon their characteristics including strength, durability, clarity, portability etc.

Below are the most commonly used flexible packaging films types that are used.

Flexible Packaging Film Types

1. Linear Low-Density Polyethylene:

When it comes to packaging films, the first type of film is linear low-density polyethylene. They are considered the most durable of all and offer a stronger and superior impact. So linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) is the most flexible plastic sheeting films.

2. Low-Density Polyethylene Films:

The second type of packaging film is low-density polythene films which are then touted as the industry standard for tensile strength, flexibility, and durability. They were introduced back in 1933.

3. High-Density Co-Ex Blend Polyethylene Film:

The third type is high-density co-ex blend polyethylene films. They are additive-free bag material with exceptional strength and clarity, thus making the number one choice for vacuum packaging applications such as food packaging.

4. Polypropylene Film:

The fourth type of packaging film is polypropylene films, which are considered great for retail packaging solutions. They offer excellent strength and clarity.

5. Polyester Laminated to Linear Low-Density Polyethylene:

The fifth type of flexible packaging films is polyester laminated to linear low-density polyethylene which is touted as the top option for gaining maximum brand impact. They are highly stiff and glossy.

6. Anti-Fog:

The sixth type of flexible packaging films is anti-fog which allows the inner contents of the packaging to be seen or remain visible from condensation.

7. Barrier or Co-Extruded Films:

The seventh type of flexible packaging films is a barrier or co-extruded film which is very specially designed and manufactured to protect the bagged contents from solvents, gases, aroma, and other flavors. They are very much resistive and strong films.

8. Opaque Films:

The eighth type of flexible packaging films is opaque films which are fully opaque and considered UV-resistant films. They are great for protecting and concealing the bagged contents from UV rays.

9. UV Protective Films:

They are the ninth type of flexible packaging films and are great for protecting the inner bagged contents from UV rays.

10. Static Dissipative Films:

This is the tenth type of flexible packaging films. They are designed and considered great for dissipating the static build-up in the bag.

11. Rust or Corrosion Inhibitor Films:

They are the eleventh type of films of flexible packaging films. They are designed to protect the bagged content against rust both during the shipment and in the store shelves.

12. Specialty Films:

The twelfth and the last film type of flexible packaging films are specialty films which are specifically designed and manufactured for unique packaging applications.